Put Healthspan into Lifespan: The 10 Commandments

Daniel Cramer
3 min readJan 6, 2023

Welcome to 2023, readers! Another year older — and fitter?

© Foto von National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Today we’re talking about the relationship between lifespan and healthspan. We all want to live a long, healthy life — but how do we make it happen?

According to the Harvey A. Friedman Center for Aging at Washington University in St. Louis, U.S. citizens achieve only 63 years in good health, while their average life lasts 79 years. That means the average American spends 16 years, or 20 percent of his or her life, being sick, unhealthy and suffering. Not a great perspective.

© Washington University in St. Louis, Harvey A. Friedman Center for Aging

Wouldn’t it be great if the blue bar completely overlapped with the red bar? And could we extend both bars to the right side?

According to many researchers (and your family doctor, if you asked them), this is possible.

The answer lies in establishing certain habits. Habits that will help us maximize our lifespan and healthspan.

Here are 10 commandments for a longer and healthier life — all based on science. Yes, you’ve heard of them. And you know they’re true. But wouldn’t a new year be a perfect start to following them? Because one thing is certain: every new day is the beginning of the rest of your life. How long and healthy it will be depends on you!

  1. Thou Shalt Eat Healthy
    Eating nutritious foods is essential for maintaining your physical wellbeing over time; focus on consuming plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains & lean proteins to keep yourself energized throughout the day.
  2. Thou Shalt Exercise Regularly
    Exercise helps reduce stress levels while also strengthening muscles & bones; aim to get at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each day (such as walking or jogging).
  3. Thou Shalt Get Plenty Of Sleep
    Getting enough sleep is key for restoring energy levels throughout the week; aim for 7–8 hours per night in order to stay alert during daytime activities and to help your brain stay healthy.
  4. Thou Shalt Drink Water To Stay Hydrated
    Prevent dehydration which can lead to fatigue; drink 8 glasses of water daily (or more if you’re engaging in strenuous exercise).
  5. Thou Shalt Avoid Smoking And Excessive Alcohol Consumption
    Both smoking and drinking alcohol have been linked with increased risk factors associated with diseases like cancer, heart disease, stroke.
  6. Thou Shalt Manage Stress Levels Effectively
    High stress levels have been correlated with decreased lifespan; take steps such as meditation yoga or mindfulness practices regularly so you don’t become overwhelmed by everyday worries.
  7. Thou Shalt Connect With Friends And Family Members Regularly Socializing has positive effects on mental well being which translates into improved overall physical health over time; set aside time every week where you reach out those closest people around you via phone calls, video chats–or simply write them a letter!
  8. Thou Shalt Take Time For Yourself Everyday
    Self care isn’t just important — it’s essential! Make sure carve out some “me-time” each day. Whether through reading books, listening music, taking baths (ice baths?), going outdoors — or pick up that old guitar and practise that solo of the Wish-You-Were-Here-Intro!
  9. Thou Shalt Learn New Skills Constantly
    Learning something new keeps your brain active while also providing an opportunity to explore different hobbies. If you live longer, you will need something to do with your time.
  10. Laugh Often
    Laughter is good medicine! Find ways bring humour into everyday moments — watch funny movies, listen comedy podcasts, hangout with friends who make jokes, tell stories, write them down, share memories, go places that amuse, inspire, surprise delight … and always remember: smile! 😀

Well, right — the science: I’ll go through each of these ten commandments during the next weeks and discuss the research behind them. Stay tuned and active!



Daniel Cramer

Big guy with small car. Writer about growing old and staying young. Will turn 100 in 2067. Will invite all followers!